Tuesday, February 4, 2014

#Designer Cookies from The Immaculate conception of little Dizzle

Sometimes when one thinks life is boring maybe what lacks is a change of perspective and to be amused by the little things, like surfing a spoon in a pot of boiling tea or maybe watching a movie like this one, where some genetically modified cookies give people hallucinations, stomach cramps and makes men give birth to a blue creature resembling an eel. The story makes sense most of the time and has some very good moments, highlighted by the soundtrack and editing techniques, the hallucination bits were really well made and inventive. We follow the life of Dory, he has a meltdown and is fired from his job, he gets another one as a janitor but the job may not be as bad or boring as it may seem, it can be quite adventurous. It's all a matter of perspective.


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